Gatsby - The Static Website Generator

Gatsby is an open-source solution based on React that is used to generate static versions of your website or application, for blazing fast performance for site visitors. With the first version released in 2015, it gained significant traction since then as a replacement for CMS.

What defines Gatsby

  • Gatsby is built on React and integrates seamlessly into React development workflow.
  • It uses GraphQL for internal data representation.
  • Its final product is a static version of the site, which can be easily hosted on the simplest of environments.


  • With additional optimizations such as page preloading, page speed of the built website result is excellent.

  • Tons of plugins and integrations allow Gatsby to fetch data from any source out there.


  • Poor theme support - in most cases you need to work on a custom design of your website.

  • You need to rebuild the site on every change, which can be slow on large-scale projects.

Gatsby and Kurzor

We have Developers available for hire who worked with Gatsby.

Our Tech Stack contains Gatsby.

Several new projects in our portfolio are based on Gatsby.

Need help with Gatsby?

Feel free to contact us. We will be happy to consult your project and recommend a viable strategy or cooperation.

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